Today a random person wrote on my blog! It was a BIG day for me. Only two days into it and someone has found what I have to say, I hope, relatively interesting and gave me advice. That advice was to write everyday and to avoid politics and religion--people who know me know I love to discuss those two topics, but that can be saved for a non-food blog. So against my original plan for the day, here I am posting. What am I going to write...what do I have to say three days in row that people care to hear about...?
The purpose of the blog and maybe something greater dawned on me as I was making the dough for the homemade pot stickers. And that was Mountain Sun. What is Mountain Sun you may ask and here is the SHORT answer: a great brew pub that does 90% organic, everything (except bread) made in house as well as homemade, UNBELIEVABLE beers on tap (and yes you can go and do a walk through of their brewery anytime it's just in the back of the kitchen). The LONG answer: it is the place that Mike and I stumbled upon when we found our first place here in Colorado. We went there on Monday prior to returning to Chicago basically to pack our things and move 1,000 miles westward. It is where I lovingly and jokingly emailed my dad to say, "I am not returning, please pack our things and send them to us because this is somewhere I never want to leave." It is the place where we felt such joy, such peace and an unmeasurable amount of love towards each other. We did not want to go back to Chicago because to us, Colorado was and remains to be where we continue our marriage with a view of the mountains, with a life filled with promise and love. Mountain Sun, to us is more than a pub more than a brewery. I think deep down it is a symbol of hope and happiness and that is perhaps why we return as often as we do.
Again, weird that I talk about a restaurant when I encourage cooking at home, but there are important restaurants that cook with passion, adhere to a deep level of moral consciousness and abide by what I believe to be an elevated awareness of the importance of food and their ingredients. To us, here in Colorado there are many of these restaurants, we particularly love and support Mountain Sun. And today we went there. Thank you again, Mountain Sun for being a place where we discuss our next steps in life, our future as well as our unbelievable present.
I encourage all of you to go find your Mountain Sun--the place that speaks to you and your important moments in life. I have many but for now in the beautiful state of Colorado it is Mountain Sun.
Cheers to all! Happy Saturday and happy eating!
P.S. On the menu is homemade dough for homemade turkey and duck fat potstickers, spicy hoisin chicken thinghs and oven-cooked brown rice. Yumm-O. I almost forgot...Mike's AMAZING Mojito's, God I love them, addictive and totally awesome.